I have learned quite a bit and my Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is expanding
Week 3: Social Bookmarking -
Delicious (wonderful tools to share a website with students, especially journal articles, government's website, clinical guidelines' website)
Week 4 - Blogs (A social interactive interface which allow bloggers to write an online diary, express opinions and share informations, minimum interaction allowed as viewers can only write comment but no editing of information)
Week 5 -
Wikis (Wikis are crazy, they know everything! Type on it if you are confident.)
Week 6 - Podcasting (testing testing...think of using this tool to record the conversation between pharmacist and patients (role play by students) - a great tool to learn communication skills). First you need a computer and a microphone, then you need a software to edit and record your voice:
Audacity , finally a
podcasting hosting site to store your voice
Week 7 - Video and webcasting (Youtube and others)
Week 8 -
Twitter (updates of your status...e.g. I am typing now

Week 9 - I am using
Pageflakes, etc (I am good at adding a webpage into
Google Reader, but having problem when copying the RSS embed link, it doesn't work sometimes...)
I wish my PLE will keep expanding...